A good website is the best way to kickstart a good business. The first couple of pages of a website could determine the success of your business. Having a user friendly website can generate better accessibility, higher customer satisfaction rates and sell products or services with less hassle. The development of brand awareness can help long term loyalty with customers and trust. Why would you not want to do this? 

The home page

Making a website may not be as hard as it seems. Your home page  should be impressive, designed to engage visitors. In the end of the day you want them to continue using the website and turn into customers. Using a good structural design will create a professional and organised look on the screen. This makes it easier for visitors to navigate around the website. Having fun and exciting headlines is an effective way to capture visitor’s attention, making them want to carry on reading. These can advocate what your company is best at.

Engaging call to action buttons

You can create an attractive and impactful page that encourages the visitor’s to invest more time and interest into the company. Using interactive and engaging buttons helps invite people to look further than the main page. Call to action buttons encourage people to use them for specific actions, these can help boost sales. The best call to actions buttons are clear and concise so they are easily understandable. You also need relevant buttons that link to the context of the page. These buttons need to be clear and specific to what they lead to, if not there is less chance these will turn into sales.

Confidence in the brand

Your website needs to be consistent by having a recognizable logo and a set colour scheme. This creates a good brand identity that can be easily recognized and remembered by people. The colours used should be related to the brand and should refer to the logo colour. Having a simple navigation bar makes it easier for visitors to get around the website. This should match the rest of the website so it does not stand out. This creates consistency so the customer is more comfortable and can have a better experience.